If you did not know, today is in 80 % of cases, the choice of the restaurant is made by using information obtained from the Internet. 48 % of them prefer to review restaurants through virtual 360 degrees panoramic view, 35 % of them preferred photos and 17% videos.
85 % of them stated that they like to see a virtual walk through the restaurant, if it is available. (source) People want to have more choices and restaurant virtual tours offer a wealth of information in relation to other media such as photos and video footage. For many visitors atmosphere in the restaurant is much more important than the offer from menu. This is mostly applies to the younger population that cares more about restaurant design and atmosphere than the restaurant offers and the choice of dishes. Take advantage of this fact in the best possible way.
Bussines Photos is another successfully completed project within the Google Map that use technology of ” Inside street viewer ” that you can use to virtually walk through the streets all over the world. UrbanSpoon, Zagat and RestaurantRow participated alongside Google in the project development.
Virtual tour is an ideal way for promotion of different types of restaurants, hotels, shops, lounges, offices and much more! Bring life to your business with virtual tours through your restaurant in the projection of 360 degrees, and make the atmosphere closer to your potential guests. Author : www.possector.com
Serge Kassian
Here are some news about me and some articles I found interesting about the 360˚ things ;) ArchivesCategories |